Day 2 and its 12 Stockies to 2lbs
Started off at the carpark, straight away into a fish, then another and another, fresh stockies, up to around the 2lb mark. Anyway within two hours i had landed 8 and lost another couple, it was too easy so i headed off up the dam to look for more of a challenge. I got another couple about half way up and then headed over to Beach bay. Got nothing up this end so as it was now mid afternoon headed back down. Got into another two fish at the house on the bottom end in the local of the picture above. If i had stayed here all day God knows how many i might have banked but 12 plus another 3 lost wasnt a bad day. The stock fish seem to be concentrated at the bottom end, they just dont seem to have spread out that much. Traditionals on an intermediate were doing the damage. The weather was mild early on but in the afternoon the wind got up and it got colder.