Saturday, 14 February 2009

Time for a Cormorant Cull

While having another blank at Barcraigs today i did a quick Cormorant count. On Barcraigs i counted 14 on a small island, all standing about, no doubt too heavy to fly seeing as their guts were full of trout that i have paid for. On Rowbank there were another 6 or 7, fishing away stuffing their bellys full of the stockies put in a couple of weeks ago. A Cormorant eats at least 1lb of fish per day and they dont go hungry, all that flying and swimming requires a lot of energy so its just as well that they are extremely efficient fish predators. Now let me see, thats 20 Cormorants @ 20lbs of fish per day, 7 days a week. Lets suppose that only 50% of that fish is Trout and the rest Perch, that means that at the least, possibly 70lbs of trout is dissappearing down the throats of these filthy black vermin, every week. Lets just suppose that the stock trout went into Rowbank six weeks before the opening of the season. This means that there is the potential for these birds to have eaten somewhere from 400 to 800 trout out of the pre season stocking, before the members have had a chance to cast a fly at them. Its time that these birds were not just culled, they should be exterminated with extreme prejudice. The numbers of these birds just seems to keep increasing and no wonder, they are thriving on a high protein diet of stock trout paid for by angling clubs up and down this land. We need a national programe of total extermination carried out against these birds. Why they are protected by the law defies understanding. If you go down to the coast you will see plenty of them, they are literally as common as muck and thats where they should be, on the coast not living the easy life on our trout lochs at our expense. Kill them all thats what i say and ill certainly slaughter any that i can get my hands on.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Another blank Sat 7th February

Fished the deepest water i could find all day without result yet again, its not easy trying to get a Rainbow off this water in the winter.

Fished for a couple of hours at the Muirend dam wall seeing as there was a strong north wind blowing for most of the day. I then finished off fishing from the wall near to Jacobs Ladder, with the same result, not a hint of a fish. Maybe the cormorants have eaten them all, i counted six on the water at one time recently. I used Boobys all day in a variety of colours. It was a nice day to be out all the same, although cold it was a nice day and it stayed dry.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The sun sets over Barcraigs

Spectacular lack of success

Saturday 31st January. Tried an afternoon with the booby, mainly an orange one but no offers at all. Tried all the deep water accessible from the bank but a complete blank. There was another guy on the water, he also blanked. He was saying, " they are out there somwhere, deep but where?". What i need is to get out there with a fish finder, its so hard to extract Rainbows from this water in the winter, especially with the water being high. Weather was cold with a strong SE wind and varying cloud cover however it was an enjoyable day, a fish would have improved it.